Saturday, December 8, 2012

Castes and Caste System

Today we all follow different faiths but have the same motive of doing so! Indeed, every religion has its own culture. Religion is the highway through which one traverses unto his final terminus! This destination is the same for all, though the paths may 'seem' very different. It is just because we have created that gradient. A highway remains a highway in India so does it in Europe, the difference just being that it is named differently here than there! Each one of us is somewhere or the other interconnected in this multifarious relation of being a 'Human'.

Religion is a way to concentrate on our faith or deity. It helps us reducing the evilness in the society. Religion keeps us near to the lord. Religion in its true sense is much more than what the mortal words could ever blabber! The human nature is but quite dynamic, as though the gurgling stream flowing from the 'top of a mountain', being chaste from the origin, flowing o'er crests and troughs, mingling with mud, pouring down the steep edge of the boulder and vanishing into the 'cosmic reservoirs'! All becomes calm again and flows in the harmony of nature!

'Unity is Strength'. As did the 'Pangaea' bifurcate, so did the human race. Humanity is not regional or national, it is a global perspective, but today we prove to be what we shouldn't have ever imagined in our wildest of the wild dreams! Today there are 7 continents, 196 countries and over 2 lakh cities with Thousand-billion people dwelling in there! With the passage of time people started to develop all the ideas about religion. Innumerable religions were devised, all filled with interesting stories and concepts, all derived from the 'ubiquitous nature' of the mankind! Each of which kept on expanding as did the case of 'every atom's origin'! Everyday thousands of new cobwebs get weaved around, adding to its intricacy!

The love and humanity, transformed into hatred and selfishness! The religion which taught righteousness, love, unity, humanity and the staunch willingness of performing the duties got de-thrown by the so-called wits or to be more specific, the 'priests'! The center of life altered from 'duty to deity'! The downfall of humanity was given the ignition which later has leaped across the globe burning down all the goodness of the society to ashes!

When our thirst wasn't quenched even after getting divided into so many different religions we still broke it down into the castes! It cannot have but devastating effects! How ironic it seems to divide a single wide path into a numerous narrower paths which eventually obstruct the passage of the vehicles itself! Indeed when the immortal Gods take a hand in this matter they cannot do but weep or rescind this 'illusive world of illusions'!

Caste system is a major barrier of our society today. We feel awfully proud of having secured a high rank in technological innovations and the industrial development across the globe, but indeed all that that's there is merely a complement to the real life of the people! The chief principles of the 'golden era' prove to be vital and eternal as long as the men would survive.

India earlier was divided into 4 main castes, i.e. Brahmin, Kshatriya, Viashya and Kshudra. The four Vedas are the foundation of the Hindu religion. The 'Vedas' stated that, "It is the Brahmins who were born from the mouth of the GOD, Kshatriyas evolving from the hands, Vaishias from the thighs and lastly the Kshudras from his toes." Brahmin in turn has 84 bifurcations! The roots of this system have penetrated deep into the society! And it was no one other than people like you and me who formulated and penned down the Vedas! Well the Vedas are nothing but the reflection of the thoughts and beliefs of the people of that age! It is an inevitable truth that "Nothing in this world is permanent but Change". Just giving it all a bit of thought may lead us to conclude that with the passage of time and the advent of ideas, the traditional concepts must be revived and subjected to change! We must reflect to find out, why we do adhere to our religious scriptures so much that we tend to forget the day we are living in!

The caste system is present even today! Diffusion and osmosis are the naturally occurring processes, which 'nullify the gradient between the high and the low'. Thus the 'Law of Nature' teaches us to be in harmony and quash all the differences between each other, but our adamant nature doesn't allow us to do that! The higher caste people seem to have a problem with the lower caste people and vice-versa! It becomes almost impossible to thrive in an environment which has nothing to do but abuse each other!

'Love' a four-letter word, is more powerful than the even the most destructive Hydrogen bomb on this Earth. When the angels talk in the heaven they won't have any other word sweeter and more effective than this! Love has the invincible power to curb the most violent of the wars or rage one of 'em! The world would have been overwhelming with happiness and prosperity today, only and only if we even tried to listen to the mellifluous beats of our heart!

The framers of the Indian constitution had the ambition to see its citizens touch the highest of peaks in the world in all spheres of life. One of the very initial laws made was 'Abolition of Un-touchability and the introduction to Aarakshan for the initial ten years'. Both of these laws were made to unite the people of India and work for the 'Betterment of India as a whole and not themselves individually'. The hearts and minds of the people of India had been filled with so much of filth that they couldn't accept the new ideology. And it is quite natural to deny to something that opposes an age old custom! But the ultimate truth is that 'Nothing is permanent but Change'. We need to be constantly pondering over the current affairs, our customs and the way of life, rationally! Then and then can we assure the well-being of the society, as there is always something or the other to resuscitate!

Many people are of the opinion that today the lower caste people are discriminated but as many think the right opposite! In India people do believe that "It has been 65 years after the independence but still the lower caste people have not been able to cope-up with the dignified citizens even after the Aarakshan and lot many other policies offered by the government to them. So it is whose fault?" The citizens of India are also of the opinion that Aarakshan which was given to them was only for the initial 10 years after the independence (So that the lower caste people can align themselves with the upper caste people) but today the corrupt ministers just for their own 'position' allocate Aarakshan as if distributing cakes! It is a fact that Aarakshan also sometimes becomes a hindrance to the progress of the society as a whole, as not all lower caste people are so talented. Thus if they get a job which they aren't worthy of than it creates a havoc which is a condition in many of the government offices! So many people today feel that low caste people have actually overpowered them!

But on the other hand no one can deny to the fact that no less than millions of low caste people suffer due to all these inhuman practices! The behavior of an individual and that of towards others accounts for 90% of the reciprocating-reactions. It has the potential to shape the attitude of his and others! The same can be applied here! When even a small lot of lower caste people are harassed by the upper caste people, or the unworthy lower caste people spoil the lives of the upper caste people, neither of them can resist it. Hatred embarks from here! It is truly said that 'an eye for an eye makes the world blind'.

Today our society faces a major conflict among the lower caste people and the upper caste people. Thousands of upper caste people may be suffering due to Aarakshan or other such practices. Many lower caste people might be expressing hatred against every upper caste person whether he is good or bad. And equally the lower caste people do suffer! The issues related to caste and caste system not only creates gradients and discomfort in the society but also hamper the fraternity and peace of the world! For example the India-Pakistan wars, Un-touchablity and even more cruel customs are all somehow or the other related to caste and religions!

Well our constitution has made it a legal offence many years ago! But it is still prevalent! Today if the government officials come for the census report, they have a special column in their list for caste and religion! Why the hell do you need to specify all such details! How is a 'Stupid Common Man' expected to step out of this shallow attitude when the mass administrating body itself is not able to perceive the fresh ideas and think out of the box!

Today the issue is not to bring the lower caste people up or to pull the legs of the upper caste people; the issue is to stop the discrimination on the grounds of caste, creed and religion! Discrepancies and difference of opinion always lead to the worse of the effects! As the opposite of Masculine power cannot be Feminine power, similarly the opposite of Upper caste people can never be Lower caste people, even though the Lower and Upper are antonyms of each other! As long as the caste system prevails the issues among the people would never cease because ultimately the caste system has seeped into our blood!

Winners have a solution to each and every problem and in contrast losers have a strong sense to find staunch problems even in the best of the solutions that could ever exist! If we believe that we are really successful than we are under the greatest influence of the artifices! One can never progress until and unless all the inhumanity is bashed!

The solution itself cannot be to bring up the lower caste people or create some laws that will bring them up! Because by creating such laws there are always chances that either the upper caste or the lower caste people would suffer! If suffering of the lower caste people is not good so would be that of the upper caste people! I repeat that today the problem is not to bring up any of the castes or to pin point someone. We need to identify our real enemy which is 'behind the screen' destroying us!

The real issue is all due to the Religious beliefs of people which is carried forward from ages. Today we are taught from childhood that you have to pray to GOD otherwise you cannot become a good person! You must know how to perform particular rites if you're a Brahmin! Come one, what the hell is that, all bullshit! What difference does it make if you manage to become a 'human'! Even Bhagwat Gita stresses on the importance of duty, Ramayana stress on the principle of being righteous and following the duty! And of course each one of us has our own way of thinking and way to behave and react! The religion has actually stained our society indeed! It is much similar to the water left stagnant from months! Change and innovation is the key to success! The caste system needs to be ceased in order to bring up our society! There are many problems that arise just because of castes and even if you create a law or amend the constitution, the same caste system's exists in the blood of our society! Until and unless the caste system is abolished one cannot think of all humans being considered as humans and equal! Caste divides people! The spirit of nationalism can only prevail where there are no division! But look at the scenario we all talk merrily about caste and we feel proud to be of a particular caste or religion!

It is really absurd to think that the castes would be dissolved over night! It is not just the job of the government and the upcoming generations to abolish the caste system, but it is the great responsibility levied on each one of us. Government is a body elected by the people and it is meant to work for the people and moreover it is a body made from the citizens of India! It is the sole responsibility of each and every citizen of India to rise against any injustice done or against any unhealthy ideology! We all need to change and mold ourselves according to the time and situations, we cannot be the stubborn mules and staunch followers of the craziest and devastating thoughts of the world, like the way we did before. We are too fussy and possessive about them! Let's eliminate them to become better humans! Let's break through the barriers of castes and religions and contemplate the divinity within ourselves!

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